Added downloadable installer
As in the title, you can now download the demo application from here.
As in the title, you can now download the demo application from here.
I have wanted to make this post for a while but because it is mostly about findings that are disappointing I did not feel particularly motivated to write it. I have got my hands on some proper Skylake-X processors with AVX512 enabled, and modified my code to make use of it. Also since the system […]
More than a year passed since the last productive post, since then I have got busy with a daytime job. In the meantime I have been thinking a lot where I could define the main selling point of this project if I wanted to make it to generate income for me. I stopped making the […]
After all I have decided to make the source code of the DeepTrainer libraries private. More to come though…
I had been thinking for a while about the most flexible way to add Convolutional layers to my existing API when I read an article about the so-called Deep Residual Learning. Roughly speaking Residual Learning requires a network architecture in which each layer consists of two layers, duplicates of the same amount of neurons, and […]
Since the last AI Fight article I did not make conscious efforts to improve the performance of the algorithms, I have been busy with updating the existing interfaces/application, and with creating new interfaces. I have rewritten all test harnesses from scratch, and I have added a new WebAPI interface. Also I started experimenting with an […]
I have added a new interface for the DeepTrainer library that makes the algorithms accessible through a web interface using queries and which makes it possible to deploy the library in the cloud. The service implements Open Authorization (OAuth) using bearer tokens. Here are the interface functions it implements at the moment: User account registration: […]
I have been reading about the ONNX file format recently that has been created internally by Google, but before I delve myself into protocol buffers I still needed an easily readable (read: debuggable) file format to exchange neural network states. I know that eventually I will have to end up supporting ONNX so I did […]
After I was done with the WinForms test harness update I noticed that the application was leaking memory like the Titanic after meeting an iceberg. I have managed to narrow the issue down to the OpenGL window – then I realized that the best course of action I could take here is to implement both […]
I did a complete overhaul for the algorithmic structure of the library because when I first wrote it I kept extending an existing structure as new ideas came without being concerned about code redundancy. So now I decided to get rid of all redundant code pieces in all my classes. I ended up with a […]